Saturday, November 29, 2008

My class last year

This is my class from last year, they were real great people to be around and they stil are. I spent one whole year sitting next to these people and I enjoyed every minute of it.

In the front row there is a guy called Artur, he's the one with the white shoes, he was one of my best friedns from last year, but sadly , because he's from Russia, he had to go and do military service for one year. I have'nt seen him since he left in september and I cant wait to see him again in summer.

Another pearson that stood out for me in this photo is called Iñaki. I sat beside him for half the year last year, he is the pearson that made me laugh more times than i can rmember, he's such a fun guy to be around. He's the one thats beside pep, the guy in the white.

All of these people have awsome personalities and I would tell you each and every one of them but is would take an eternity.

see id you can spot me

see you tomorro


As most of you know I wasn't born in Catalunya and that I didn't grow up here either. Im from ireland, and I lived there for 14 years in a county called Kildare, south of Dublin. But then my parents made a life changing desicion to move to Spain. I think that the main reason was for the weather, but also because in previous years we had come to Spain and had a real great time.

I miss my friends from there obviously and whenever I go to Ireland I make an effort to go and see them. We always have a good time when I see them and spend hours catching up on things.

Ireally like Spain now. In the beginning it was hard to get use to the language and make friends but now I have a really good life here and I wouldent go back.

My parent are in Ireland now with my brothers, but I didn't go because I had a lot of work to do(blog and portfolio eheem)


hello everybody

This summer a friend of mine and I have planed a trip to a ski school in germany. we will be staying in a small town in the west of Germany on a lake where we will ski every day for two weeks. We are going because a very good waterski trainer will be there, he's called Ray Stokes from Australia. He has been teaching me since I cab remember and is a very good friend of my parents.

I went there last year and had a really good time. The lake belongs to a german family, the Shipners, who are good friends of my parents too. They are providing us with beds and food during the day. They have a son who won the world championships last year in France.

I also went sky diving, Karting, mini golf, and we also went to see a football match last year between Germany and Portugal. So there are a lot of other things to do than skiing.Hope you enjoyed.
This is a photo of a friend of mine called Bojan on the lake in Germany called Feldberg.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Car lisence

Hey guys,

Not everybody wants what I want but im sure they all want their own car lisense, who doesent?? no asking your parents to pìck you up from a party, no getting the bus to school because you can do it.

I dont think ill be able to get it this summer because I have a lot of work to do but im sure ill be able to get it during winter for next year. Some of my friends are 18 now but they didnt get their theory exams so now they are dying because they could be driving a car now but because they were a it lazy before they cant drive a car yet.

Which car would you pick??

If I could pick a first car it would be the BMW one series, its a really good and eficient car similar to the SEAT leon wich I also like , or the Renault Clio Sport.
But these are expensive cars so if I cant get any of these cars second hand i'll have to settle with a car in the range of my budget, more like a Renault Twingo jajaajajajajaj.

drive carefully




Who could forget the annual school trip to the famous Italy?

I had the time of my life there. From the constant laughing on the bus to the sleepless nights in the rooms with my friends. And it's true , they do make the best pizzas, i think it was the only thing I ate there, o yeah and a lot of pasta.XD.

I had a lot of fun in all of the cities and town we went to. I saw xavi, the football player for Barcelona, I ate ice-cream, mostly vanilla, I bought a lot pizzas, margaritas , I got given out to, by teachers I went to a disco on a boat, I went on a Gondola, I lost my phone, I slept in the isle of a bus, I made a song, I swam in the sea, I drank hot chocolate, we sang the himne of barcelona a hotel cafeteria full of Madrid fans, I played football in the street, I behaved myself, but most of all I think I became closer to all of my friends and even made new ones.

I would go again but I know that that trip was a once in a lifetime experience, but I still want to go again jeje.

We all look so young compared with now.

thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Halloween party

im back

Hallween, during the last few years it has been a real anoyance for me because i am to old now to be going door to door and asking for candy. Not last year.

This is a photo of me at a great halloween party last year. I was at a Waterski tournament in America during summer holidays. Sunday night , the night after the yournament, happened to be halloween. So we dressed up as tradicion. I , as you can see, dressed up as a snow skiier.

I dressed up before I went out but as you can see some people coulde'nt wait. It was a real great laugh and I had a lot of fun, we went to a friends house first for a few drinks, about 25 people, then we went out in the town to a few discos, we were the only people in the street dressed up so it was a bit embaresing, but a lot of fun.

On the right are pictures of (from left to right) Lorenzo, Manon, luca, Luis, Marcel, Ambre and me.

Luis and marcel are on the spaish team with me. What a cray night

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sky diving

A few weeks ago I went sky diving. It was the best feeling that I had had in a long time. I went there with my waterski trainer who is an experienced sky diver. He has jumped over 800 times. Before we went up I was really nervious, even to nervious to listen to the safety rules, while the teacher was saying the safety rules he asked me something and I did'nt remember so he had to explain everythink again jajaj, everyone was anoyed.

When we got on the plain I had a great desire to go to the toiete, but now it was too late, we were over a kilometer in the air. At the jump spot I was last out, attached to my trainer with pullies. When we jumped out I had the greatest view over the Empuria brava coast. We were flying for 53 seconds which felt more like 10 seconds because I was having so much fun, hense the exrlession time flies when your having fun. We were suspended in the parachute for 10 minuts and floated safley to the ground.

It was great fun

The picture is of me and Ray , my trainer

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


hello readers
I hope you are all good

I think that all of the readers would agree with me that (TOO MANY EXAMS) all next week we have exams so this weekend is not really a weekend for me. Its more like school just withought the teachers. jeje
Today I did a Spanish exam and it went ok. I should have studied a little bit more I think.

I hope that the exams go well for everybody , remember, study first then party.

take care bye

Sunday, November 23, 2008

About me

Hey guys

This is my first entry to my blog so i'm going to tell you a little bit about who a little bit about myself and what i like to do

My name is Jake, I live in Torroella de fluvia,I was seventeen just a week ago on the twelfth of october and I go to school in Castello d'Empuries, I really like school because we are like a little family, everyone knows everyone and gets on very well.

I used to live in Ireland three years ago, but my parents decided to come and live here
''I think they wanted to come because of the climate''
Before I left Ireland I went to a school in dublin. I was doing first year. I used to play a lot of rugby in Ireland, our team was really good, we always used to win tournaments. Here in Spain they don't play rugby, only football

My favorite hobby and sport is waterskiing, when I lived in Ireland my house was on a lake and I went waterskiing every day. I started to ski when I was four years old.
Today I was at the championships of Catalunya and i passed first into the finals, tommoro i'll ski in the finals so wish me luck


My new house.

good afternoon.

Im a bit tired today because I was out last night at a friends party and I just remembered to do an entry for the blog so today its about my new house thats in construction at the moment donse january last year. Its a project that my parents have been wanting to do for a long time and now its a reality

The picture on the right is where it all began. Its being made about 2oom of where our own house is at the moment, so its quite near to us. The hole is so big because we are making a basement underneath the house, like a garage.

The picture on the left was done five months ago, the house is almost done. It has a roof, tiled floors and windows, the only thing left to do now are the electronics and where to put the solar panels. The two in the picture are my brother and his friend.

I'll keep you up to date on how the house is doing every now and then, so until nextime.
Take care