Saturday, May 9, 2009

is downloading videos good?

Since we have internet in our houses we can listen to music or watch videos and do almost anything we want, but say if we were to download a movie, would thid be good fot the cinema industry

on the one hand, downloading a film has some disadvantages, for example, the people that do the movies will make less money beacuse instead of buying the movie in a shop you only have to press a few buttons on the internet and then you have it. Also, if you are buying all the new films on the internet, that means that your not going to the cinema either, which has two disadvantages, the conema's make less money, ans you eliminate a social act of going out with your friends.

On the other hand, going to the cinema nowadays is
so expensive, it usually costs more than ten Euros to go out to the conema and furthermore, if you download a film, you have it nearer than the cinema, it is in your own house and you can watch it whenever you want and as many times as you want. It has'nt been a long time since people have been downloading films so nothing bad has happened like nobody buying any films, in hollywood they are still selling blockbusters

To conclude, I love watching movies and I like going to the cinema even if it is a little bit expensive,

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