Sunday, May 31, 2009

friday Afternoon

A friend of mine called Edu and I decided one day to go fishing in the Sant Pere Pescador last friday because it was his birthday and we had to do something to celebrate it. we had gone various times before but have never cought anything. I have never ever in my whole entire life cought a fish or even got close to catching a fish so I knew that we were going only to pass the time because I knew that we wouldent catch anything but I went anyway.
This time edu came prepared and had diferent ideas, he had tecniques to catch fish easily. I was using worms and snail to try and catch them and artur started laughing and said, your never going to catch anything with those worms, he went to his bag and took out sweet corn, he put a few pieces of sweet corn on the hook and threw it into the river, and surley enough after ten minuits a fish cought the bait, I couldent believe it

After we caught the fish we went back to edu's house to prepare the dinner, all of our clan were going for a bite to eat in edu's house to celebrate hos eighteenth birthday. I wanted to cook the fish but edu did't wanto to , so we ate hamburgers, chips, amd many other things before going out to figueres for the night.
He did'nt know that there was going to be so many people there, he thought maby four or five people but in the end we were like teenty.

Well , this is going to be my last entry for this term, and until september I won't be doing another one. I'll propaply start next years first entry with what I willl have done during summer. I hope your few months break goes well too. :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Me a few years ago

This video is of me a few years ago in a lake called Lough Mucno. They were holding the Irish championships there where over one hundred people were participating in all diferent ages and groups. This video is of the final, the wind was very strange and that's why there were so many crashes, and as yiu can see i fall on the malding in one of them!!

did you laugh?

Monday, May 11, 2009


My new house is nearly finished!!!!!!After nearly two years and finally its nearly done, I don't have any recent photos but these will do anyway. The only thing left to do is put in all the electrical appliences and finish off the tiling in the pool and were done.

When we first came here is was always my parents dreak to build the ideal house , so after nearly three years of planning they're almost there. It's been like a monument for them, every day going there and seeing how it grew over the past year. At the start they were always bringing me there and showing me the new things that have been done and in the end I got sick of it, so i decided to go each month because that's when you see the real change.

When my parents were planning out the house i asked them if I could have a balcony in my room, (I think it's very romantic ahah) and they looked at me and they said ''yes jake , of course'' but after a few minuts of asking repeatedly I coulden't get a straight answer so I left and stopped thinking of it. I have been in the house thousands of times but never knew who's room was who's so I asked my Mom which room was mine and she pointed out to the only room on the house that has a balcony, i coulden't believe it so i'm very happy =).

these photos were taken a long time ago, so when I have some recent ones I'll put them on

My room is at the top, and under the house we have done like a sort of basement, we'll put the pool table and the fuzzball table down there aswell, so thats where most of my friends are going to spend there summer ahha. The cars will be down there too of course.

If your lucky maby i'll invite you:)


as you all know im really in to waterskiing, it's my favorite pastime.
I haven't really started skiing yet this year yet beause of school work and stuff and our trainer is getting worried because we haven't been practising much. We have big and important competitions this year so I can understand him.
The photos were done a few weeks ago. the one on the left is me before a slalom set, and the onw on the bottom is me jumping afterwards.

I can't wait to get back into it, when you have trained a lot and look back on the start of the year and see what kind of an improvement you have done it encourages you even more.

well anyway, our trainer has already given us a calender of the competitions we will be doing and where we will be going to train this summer He had to make a special clander for me though because i'll be going to America to work as a ski instuctor during August.
The week school ends i'll be going straight to Denmark to train with the whole spanish team because one of the best teachers in the world has organized a course there. We will be there for two weeks, and after that we will go to a competition in Germany, then i'll be coming back here to train for a month and work with my Dad to make a few euros too.
Also ill be going to many competitions un spain and near the boarder in France aswell, before going to Norway to the Europeans for a week, we have a good team, last year we came third which was a great result because there are really talented teams like Italy, Great Britain and France of course that could of beaten us.

In waterskiing there are three events, one is jumping which is my favorite, it's also the most dangerous event, many people have died recently from not being thought the right way and going out and doing stupid things, but if you are thought the right way it's a real thrill. I have never ever hurt myself skiing before, i mean not badly, i've never been to the hospital before ,because of skiing ,not even once and that's because i've always been around the right people that know a lot about the sport and teach me new things every day. The most important thing they ever told me was to always know what to do before you go out, go over what you have to do in you mind and never try to show off because a few friends are watching you, and honestly the only times I have hurt myself jumping was when other people were watching me and I would always go out and they would be in the boat and laughing, that's when things can go wrong.

So, you know what im doing more or less this summer, what about you?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

barraques 09'

Every year in many towns and cities across catalunya they hold an event called ''barraques'', it's sort of like a huge party where thousands of people go to in the open air, there are places specially open to serve drink and food to the people and a big stage in frint where lots of famnous bands playu there.

Normally this party last's over two weeks, but because of some kid that got really drunk and had to go to hospital they only did it fot four days which is kind of annoying and this year if your not eighteen they did'nt let you in.

I , of course, went every day, it's tradition. The best night was Saturday night because we started the night at a friends house with his parents, who are like friends to us, watching the Madrid Barcelona match, when Barcelona won the place went crazy and all af my ten friends started drinking a lot. After dinner at we went walking to ''barraques'', it's like a great reunion of friends, you always see loads of people that you have'nt seen in ages, and your talking and laughing the whole time. Most times we would stay there until six in the morning but at about four o'clock the guys decided to go to some bar, so we went to one called ''Natural''. when we stopped in the parking i suddenly saw lots of multicolour flags around the place but i did'nt take notice ''i was kind of drunk'', anyway we went in and I saw two guys kissing and then i saw two other guys kissing which I thought was kind of strange. I asked my friends where the toilet was and they said ''it's over there , you have to go into the dark room and turn on the light'', so when I went in hands just started grabbing me and thats when I found out it was a gay bar, I ran out of the room and i saw my friends just dtanding there and laughting. I will nevere forgive them. If not fot the it would of been the best barraques yet. Until next year.

I think that this is a good form to go out with your friends and to enjoy the weekend because you always find a lot of people who you haven't seen since a lot of time and it's also a possibility to listen some of your favourite groups.


This weekend I met up with a few friends that I haden't seen in a long while.

My parents could only leave me in Empuria Brava at about ten o'clock, so I was a couple hours by myself until my friends arrived. I hate beong on myself but anyway I was very hungry because i haden't eaten yet , so I went to get a bite to eat in any restaurant that was showing the football match between Madrid and Valencia because it wasd the decider to see if Barcelona would win the league or not so I ended up in one called TicToc which was very good, they were very polite and the food was great, the only bad thing was that Madrid lost, and badly. 3-0:(

Anyway at twelve o'clock I left the restaurant and I headed up to the bar where my friends were waiting for me, here is a photo of us in the Sikim, on the left there is Marc, he used to go to school here in Castelló, but he left to study somewhere else. The other two are brother and sister, Felix and Marina, there was also another marina but she is'nt in the photo and another guy called frederico, who was the guy that brought us all around Empuria Brava in his car.

We were in the Sikim for a couple of hours and we had a few drinks , there we talked about what we had been doing, it had been ages since we has seen eachother, after we cought up on things we decided to go to the disco called Pacha, we were in the line for about half an hour, but it was worth it because a famous DJ was playing in there, and the music was more than good. There I met up with Lauren, a girl in my class who sits behind me, were always laughing about things, I also saw my sister there, which was a surpriza because I thought she was going to Fata, which is another disco in Sant Pere Pescador
After the disco it's tradition to go to the charito, they open at like half past four in the morning, specially to make us drunk disco-goers a bite to eat after a long night. They make sandwiches and chips and things like that, it's soooo good. Afterwards, very early in the morning, we went home to sleep.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

is downloading videos good?

Since we have internet in our houses we can listen to music or watch videos and do almost anything we want, but say if we were to download a movie, would thid be good fot the cinema industry

on the one hand, downloading a film has some disadvantages, for example, the people that do the movies will make less money beacuse instead of buying the movie in a shop you only have to press a few buttons on the internet and then you have it. Also, if you are buying all the new films on the internet, that means that your not going to the cinema either, which has two disadvantages, the conema's make less money, ans you eliminate a social act of going out with your friends.

On the other hand, going to the cinema nowadays is
so expensive, it usually costs more than ten Euros to go out to the conema and furthermore, if you download a film, you have it nearer than the cinema, it is in your own house and you can watch it whenever you want and as many times as you want. It has'nt been a long time since people have been downloading films so nothing bad has happened like nobody buying any films, in hollywood they are still selling blockbusters

To conclude, I love watching movies and I like going to the cinema even if it is a little bit expensive,



During last term a a huge group of friends and I went to one of the biggest rock concerts in Barcelona. where over fourty bands were going to play over two days , the best, and my favorite being AC/DC.

We started our trip in the morning a day before the concert, we got the train from figueres to Barcelona where a couple of friends and I went to a friends apartment who used to go to school in Castelló but is now in university. We stayed there for most of the day because it was raining so we coulde'nt do anything, in the end we decided not to go to the concert today if we went we would of got soaked, anyway, after endless jokes and laughter in the apartment we decided to all go to bed to be ready for tomorrow.

Wednesday afternoon, everybody was really exited and nervous because of the concert later on, but they wern't playing for another six hours, so we all decided to go and get something to eat in a bar or something and then head off to the concert. After a few burgers at Mc Donald's we got the metro to where the concert was being held.
The line was huge, but when we finally got in the atmosphere was great, it was in a stadium so wherever you looked you could see people all around.
When AC/DC came out i nearly went deaf with all the screaming, i even got goosebumps.
They have been together for more then thirty years now, so they really knew how to work the crowd, making everybody laugh by pulling there pants down or saying something funny in spanish with his australian accent. Plus we were at the front, it just made it all that bit special:)
I had a really great time.