Saturday, February 28, 2009

Walking the dog's

If you know a better way to walk the dogs please tell me, haha. I used to never bring them walking, because I hated walking them around the town, but now on the skate-board the dogs can jog at there own pace, and I can have a bit of fun aswell, all I have to do is hold on the the leash.

The second year students have just got there results from there treball de recerca. It's a relieve not only to them but to me and other students aswell , because before at brektime and during the day it was the only thing they spoke about, day and night. But anyway ,all this time listening to them talking about it, al least they all got good grades, and are more or less happy with themselves.


laurapenkert said...

haha, I have a dog as well and I use to take him with the scooter. While he's running, I just stand on it and control or brake a bit. I think we both enjoy this way of taking out the dog, it's a little different from just walking around xd

Laura Carrera said...

You are so craazy Jaake!
I'm secure that you didn't get tired never to walk the dogs ¬¬
See you:):):)