Sunday, March 8, 2009

saturday mountain ride

Hello everybody
Well this is my last entry for this term. i just have to finish my portfolio now

Its sunday morning and im very tired. I was out with my friends last night in Fortiá. We saw our catalan teacher there, shee was dressed up as a tiger I think so i did'nt recognize her until she finally said hellow to me.

Well yesterday I went mountain biking with two friends of my Dad's. Carles and David are very good mountain bikers, they go to competitions around Spain and all around Europe, they took me out yesterday for a 6v hour ride. We started at my house first, then we went on some back roads to Ventallo, that is where the hard bit began, going up steep hills and over uneven tracks, then we ended up in a town called sant mori where we went up some really nice mountain tracks, it was very percefull,until we got to vila robao i think it's called, where we stopped to have a drink and something to eat.
From that town we headed back another route to get to l'escala and then finally we arrived in Sant pere, to David's house. My whole body was in like a state of shock, all my muscles were hurting and i felt really weak, I hade'nt done any soprt or training since september, so I was kind of expecting to fell this way when we finished. In Davids house we ate a lot of ham , bread and olives, I was so hungry and ate until I was full, but when I got vack home in Torroella de Fluvia I vomited it all up.
The photo was done at the top of a mountain in ventallo

My favorie comedian

Hey guys

Here are two videos, one is of my favorite comedian called Billy Connely, he is one of the best well known comedians in the world, mostly because he travels around the world doing shows in many caties on his tricycle.he appears on the television meny times a week.

The other one is from a comedian called richie. Very funny.

I hope you laugh as much as I did

there are hundreds more videos on youtube. just type in his name;)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Battle field

hey guys

This summer if you are all bored I have something for you to do.

My Dad went to Australia a few weeks back and I thought that he went for a holiday , but it was to make a buisness deal with the makers of Battlefield. It is a game similar to paintball but just withought having to wear sweaty overalls and masks and specially, no pain. The guns you have shoot laser guided beams. On your head you have two sensors and on your gun you have on aswell , if you get shoot your gun will make a sound of someone getting shot.

There are many diferent types of games you can play like the famous catch the flag, or defend the fortress. The prices are cheap and the games are long. So if you have nothing to do get in contact with me and ill give you directions:)

i'll be working there when I can this summer to help my Dad out, coming back and forth from america where i'll be working as a ski instructor. I'ts a really great game and a lot of fun, it works great with parties for small children or big groups, mainly because there are'nt many accidents and nobody gets hurt.

or you could go play paintball haha

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This years Carnaval was the best one yet. We went to a load of diferent towns including Sant Pere, Escala, Castelló d'empuries, Empuria Brava, Olot and fortiá. Last year we went as Farmers so we decided to change this year and we went as cook's.The idea came from a friend of mine called Edu, who is studying to be a chef, he gave us prices to buy the clothes to dress up as cook's , so we dicided on that.

The town that I think put the most work into making this years carnaval very enjoyable was in Castelló, because they put up barriers so cars cant interupt the passing floats, they organize photografers and then they send everyone a book with all of the photos in it. They also organize two of three music groups like Hotel Cochambre for the after party who are a really fun group to go and see because threy sing countless great songs from other bands, the're really good.
I also liked Castelló the most because i have lots of friends that live there and because it's the carnaval where nearly everybody comes from the surrounding towns.

On our float we has a huge cooking pot, made from sheeted aluminium, the shape was really hard to make beacuse of it's round form. Carles, a friend of mine, made a lid for the cooking pot , that could be lifted from the inside, and when we lifted it up, at the toutch of a button, we could make smoke pour out from the top.

well, some people have already started thinking of some new ideas for next year, but carnaval still is'nt over, we still have to go tho Fortiá..

Until then:)

Summer job

hey guys

My parents have been getting at me about getting a job this summer but I wont be able to ski and have a job at the same time, the irish waterski federation told me that this year I would have to work and train harder than ever because I went up an age group so I would be competing against older and more experienced skiiers than me.

When I told them that my parents made me work this year the federation said that if I don't train enought this year they woulden't accept me on the team.

I was really sad for a while because I thought that I woulden't be able to ski for the team but then I had an idea. What if I worked in a ski school?

My parents thought that it would be a good idea so I rang up some ski schools in Spain but they said that they were in no need for more help.

I thought I was finished but then one day when I got back from school my Dad told me that he got me a job in a ski school. I got really exited but then I asked him where. He said that is was in California, ina place called Bennets, a really known waterski school. At first I thought it was really far away, but then I remembered back to a tournament that I went to there and the people were friendly and I knew the boss.

When I told the federation that I found job in a ski school they told me that it would be fine to ski on the team and work in a ski school.

So that was a whole load of pressure off my back.

(picture is of the three lakes in benetts, the color of the water is diferent because weed grows in the lakes , so they use coloured dyes to kill the weed)
see ya.:)