Saturday, February 28, 2009

Walking the dog's

If you know a better way to walk the dogs please tell me, haha. I used to never bring them walking, because I hated walking them around the town, but now on the skate-board the dogs can jog at there own pace, and I can have a bit of fun aswell, all I have to do is hold on the the leash.

The second year students have just got there results from there treball de recerca. It's a relieve not only to them but to me and other students aswell , because before at brektime and during the day it was the only thing they spoke about, day and night. But anyway ,all this time listening to them talking about it, al least they all got good grades, and are more or less happy with themselves.



I had a great friday night a few weeks ago in the Saloon bar in Empuria Brava. It was a party for all of the second year students that went away to London for a few days. They wanted to make a little bit of money, so what better way to make money than to have fun doing it.

Me and a friend of mine, carles, organized a pool tournament during the night because there were three pool tables there and a lot of people playing aswell. The entre fee to join in the tournament was ten euros, we were really suprised when we got almost sixteen teams to play, even two teachers from the school were playing.
Carles and I had to referee every match, and that was very stressfull because we coulde'nt think about our own game. We play pool every weekend, so we thought that we had a good chance to win.

The night was long but in the end Carles and I made it to the final, right from the break I cleaned up the table , and only had to pot the black ball, it was such a pressure shot. I entered the black and we started cheering , but the white ball had'nt stopped rolling yet, and it fell into one of the holes, and we lost:(

It was a gutting loss, but a great end to the night, and we made 160 $